Marie and I drove four hours to the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival in Canby Oregon on Friday. We arrived there at about 7:30pm, got the seven goats unloaded and all bedded down in their pens. Liberty Pear has been jumping out of every pen we put her in the last three weeks so we left her tethered up. Didn’t help, she was standing outside her pen in the morning.
Ask Marie about the trophy belt buckle she won. Great and funny story, only the youngest of five, is all I can say.
Liberty Pear won Grand Champion Doe. “I love this doe”, was spoken more than once by the judge. She is a looker and her fleece also won the International Fleece Competition in her class of Kid doe fleece. She is a triplet that Marie bottle fed, she also saved her from being given away as a kid after my auto accident, and Grandpa’s passing away. Things were a bit crazy here the spring of 2008.
Liberty Silver, my last kid from Liberty Seattle was placed as Reserve Champion Buck, as the judge was giving her reasons for placements and made the comment that his fleece was a bit short. Dum dum me realized that I never told her that I had sheared him once already. He is really looking good. When he was three months old, I wasn’t so impressed. Just goes to show the importance of waiting out that first year.
Liberty Mike was the highlight of the event for us. He stomped his competition. Way to go Mikie! He also was great at his new job as the PR goat for Liberty Farm.
Oh yes, and our little Liberty Metal, a rising star in the cashmere world, placed first in her class.
In the afternoon I was talked into doing a shearing demo. Fun stuff.